
Sunday Jun 14, 2020
Sunday Jun 14, 2020
“Anatomy of an Illness: The Church’s Ministry of Healing”
John 9:13-16 (Part 3)
I First, sickness gets our attention and it gets the attention of Jesus (9:1).
II Second, sickness makes us uncomfortable (9:2).
III Third, sickness is caused by alienation (9:2).
IV Fourth, oftentimes our best theological or commonsense explanations for sickness are not good enough (9:3a).
V Fifth, sometimes sickness happens for a good reason, so that God can be glorified in our life (9:3b).
VI Sixth, all believers in Jesus are called to help sick people find health (9:4).
VII Seventh, sickness is a work of the kingdom of darkness; healing is a work of the Kingdom of light (9:5).
VIII Eighth, the how of healing is very important (9:6).
IX Ninth, sickness can be overcome by divine healing, but healing does not happen without some action on our part (9:7).
X Tenth, divine healing will always arouse doubt (9:8-9).
XI Eleventh, the response to the healing of sickness is often questions (9:10-12)
XII Twelfth, healing is not only a debated topic, it is also a very divisive issue.
A. Four truths stand out in these four verses:
1. First, people are often divided over what kind of authority to consult when a miracle has occurred.
2. Second, in the presence of a miracle people will often create division by looking for some reason to call a miracle of healing into question.
3. Third, in the presence of a miracle, people often create division by focusing on the __________ question rather than the __________ question.
a. John says the Pharisees “also” asked the healed man how he was healed because the neighbors, and the crowd who originally witnessed the miracle, had a______________ asked the very same question.
i. Sometimes sick people are miraculously healed and no one is involved except the ___________ person and _________.
ii. If that had been the case with the healing of the blind man, then there would have been n_______________ the Pharisees could say.
iii. The crucial question became this: Was this man healed in a way that __________ or _________ ___________ violate the Sabbath?
b. There were ____________ ways in which Jesus’ actions could have been seen as a violation of how the Pharisees understood the Sabbath.
i. First, Jesus mixed ____________ with __________ to make mud on the Sabbath day.
ii. Second, Jesus sent the man on a journey which may have been l_____________ than what was allowed on the Sabbath.
iii. Third, Jesus, according to the Pharisee’s rules, did not have a good r¬¬¬¬¬_______________ for violating the Sabbath.
c. This means that the Pharisees could have accused Jesus of ____________ Sabbath violations, if the man who was healed had told them all he c_____________ have told them.
-Notice, how the healed man answers the “How?” questions of the Pharisees:
i. First, he doesn’t say anything about how Jesus made the ____________.
ii. Second, he simply says, “And I washed,” without mentioning his j____________ to the Pool of Siloam.
iii. Third, the formerly blind man does admit that Jesus did heal him on the Sabbath, but he could not deny that and be t_________________.
d. I believe it is still true today that when people are confronted with a miracle … they jump to the ________________ question.
-Why do they do that?
i. First, they want to know how because they want to find a way to explain the miracle that is not m______________________.
ii. Second, people jump to the how question because they are looking for a m________________ which they can use by themselves.
iii. Third, we ask the how question because if we believe the person who claims to be healed, and we decide to seek healing for ourselves, we want to make sure that we do not need to do something that would be u_______________________ or e____________________ for us.
e. When it comes to sickness and healing, not only do people want to focus on the “How,” what is even worse is that they tend to ignore the ____________.
f. In all the healing miracles in the Gospels, it was always the s__________ who. This tells us that it is the who which is the most i_____________ element of healing.
g. We see that the Pharisees were focused on the “how” because they wanted to c___________________ Jesus. The healed man, on the other hand, was focused on the “who” because he wanted to h______________ Jesus.
H. If the who is one who has sufficient power to accomplish anything, then the how question no longer m__________.

Friday Jun 12, 2020
Friday Jun 12, 2020
“Anatomy of an Illness: The Church’s Ministry of Healing”
John 9:13-16 (Part 2)
I First, sickness gets our attention and it gets the attention of Jesus (9:1).
II Second, sickness makes us uncomfortable (9:2).
III Third, sickness is caused by alienation (9:2).
IV Fourth, oftentimes our best theological or commonsense explanations for sickness are not good enough (9:3a).
V Fifth, sometimes sickness happens for a good reason, so that God can be glorified in our life (9:3b).
VI Sixth, all believers in Jesus are called to help sick people find health (9:4).
VII Seventh, sickness is a work of the kingdom of darkness; healing is a work of the Kingdom of light (9:5).
VIII Eighth, the how of healing is very important (9:6).
IX Ninth, sickness can be overcome by divine healing, but healing does not happen without some action on our part (9:7).
X Tenth, divine healing will always arouse doubt (9:8-9).
XI Eleventh, the response to the healing of sickness is often questions (9:10-12)
XII Twelfth, healing is not only a debated topic, it is also a very divisive issue.
A. Four truths stand out in these four verses:
1. First, people are often divided over what kind of authority to consult when a miracle has occurred.
2. Second, in the presence of a miracle people will often create ___________________ by looking for some reason to call a miracle of healing into ____________________.
a. Before we can understand the approach that the _______________ take to this miracle, we need to know something about these religious leaders.
1. Most scholars are convinced that the root of the word Pharisee means to s_______________ or to d___________.
2. From what did they separate themselves?
i. Some believe they were p_________________ separatists.
ii. It is more likely, however, that the Pharisees were r__________________ separatists.
iii. Their key verse was ________________ ____:_____-_______.
3. The Pharisees thought their calling was to be holy, which required them to avoid any creature that was considered unclean, such as a _____________, and any human being who had become unclean, such as a ______________.
4. When it came to the law, the Pharisees thought there was one law which was more important than any other, and that was the law about keeping the __________________.
5. There is in the Bible a commandment about the Sabbath; it is the ___________th commandment.
i. The word “Sabbath” comes from a Hebrew word which means to c________________.
ii. But it was more than a time to cease from _______; it was also a solemn time because when you observed the Sabbath you were doing what ________ did when he created the world.
6. There are __________ things about the Sabbath day that are hard for us Christians:
i. First, we Christians do not give to the Sabbath the ______________ which the Jews gave to it.
-Why was Sabbath keeping so important to the Jews?
1. First, it set them a______ and gave them a d____________ identity.
2. Second, keeping the Sabbath was a c______________ of God.
3. Third, it was practiced w_________.
4. Fourth, keeping the Sabbath was something to be done at a certain ____________, not in a certain _____________.
ii. Our second problem is that Sunday, or the Lord’s Day, has drawn our attention ____________ from the Sabbath.
iii. Third, as Christians we believe Sunday is of overwhelming importance because it is a r________________ of the resurrection of Jesus.
7. In the fourth century, the Roman emperor Constantine, the first Christian Roman emperor, made it a law that certain types of work could not be done on ______________.
8. In 1234 AD Pope Gregory IX made it the official position of the ___________________ church.
9. Then, 250 years later, the Protestant Reformers stepped into the debate and said that the fourth commandment ought to be understood ________________________.
10. That was the popular approach for Christians until the seventeenth century when rationalism and science led interpreters to suggest that the ___________ Bible should be understood spiritually.
11. After this, Bible teachers began to counterbalance this overemphasis on spiritualizing the Bible with what they thought was the only other alternative, and that was l_______________ the entire Bible, including the fourth commandment.
12. There was, however, another reaction. There were some Christians who began to promote what they called non-Sabbitarianism. This was the view that as Christians, we do __________ have to keep the Sabbath law.
13. I should also point out that there is another approach to all this: the position of the S____________-________ Adventists.
b. We know what the Pharisees thought about keeping the Sabbath because they published their teaching in a ________ call The Mishnah.
1. The Sabbath section of the Mishnah gives a list of _______ “main tasks” which were prohibited on the Sabbath.
2. This list was not p_______________, however, and it was added to as rabbis thought of more activities that violated the Sabbath day.

Wednesday Jun 10, 2020
06-10-20 Kevin Goins - The Church's Ministry of Healing, John 9:13-16, part 1
Wednesday Jun 10, 2020
Wednesday Jun 10, 2020
“Anatomy of an Illness: The Church’s Ministry of Healing”
John 9:13-16 (Part 1)
I First, sickness gets our attention and it gets the attention of Jesus (9:1).
II Second, sickness makes us uncomfortable (9:2).
III Third, sickness is caused by alienation (9:2).
IV Fourth, oftentimes our best theological or commonsense explanations for sickness are not good enough (9:3a).
V Fifth, sometimes sickness happens for a good reason, so that God can be glorified in our life (9:3b).
VI Sixth, all believers in Jesus are called to help sick people find health (9:4).
VII Seventh, sickness is a work of the kingdom of darkness; healing is a work of the Kingdom of light (9:5).
VIII Eighth, the how of healing is very important (9:6).
IX Ninth, sickness can be overcome by divine healing, but healing does not happen without some action on our part (9:7).
X Tenth, divine healing will always arouse doubt (9:8-9).
XI Eleventh, the response to the healing of sickness is often questions (9:10-12)
XII Twelfth, healing is not only a debated topic, it is also a very d_______________ issue.
A. ____________ truths stand out in these four verses:
1. First, people are often divided over what kind of _________________ to consult when a miracle has occurred.
a. In the beginning, the crowd, which included the neighbors of the blind man, did all they could to ____________ the miracle.
b. This is often the response of people today, even among _________________, when people say they have been healed.
c. But when someone claims to have experienced an actual miracle, … at that point we are forced to decide how we are going to ______________ it.
d. Sometimes when miracles of healing are reported, we will turn to a _____________ or clergy person for an explanation.
i. Some churches believe miracles are confined to the ____________ century, that miracles cannot take place in our day.
ii. Others believe that if you emphasize the healing ministry of Jesus you can cause people to feel r______________ if they ask for healing and are not healed.
e. Today it would be much better for Christians who have questions about healing, and who are seeking some authority to speak about it, to come to the one who made healing such a h_________ and v__________ part of his ministry. It would be better if they would come to ____________.
f. There is not a single passage in the entire New Testament which tells believers that they should understand the healing ministry of Jesus as something which was _____________ to the first century.

Tuesday Jun 02, 2020
Is He Worthy?
Tuesday Jun 02, 2020
Tuesday Jun 02, 2020
Song by Andrew Peterson
Main vocal: Jennifer Bliss-Criswell
Piano and vocal: Megan Bliss
Chorus: The Bliss Family

Monday Jun 01, 2020
06-01-20 Kevin Goins - The Church's Ministry of Healing, John 9:10-12 pt 3
Monday Jun 01, 2020
Monday Jun 01, 2020
“Anatomy of an Illness: The Church’s Ministry of Healing”
John 9:10-12 (Part 3)
I First, sickness gets our attention and it gets the attention of Jesus (9:1).
II Second, sickness makes us uncomfortable (9:2).
III Third, sickness is caused by alienation (9:2).
IV Fourth, oftentimes our best theological or commonsense explanations for sickness are not good enough (9:3a).
V Fifth, sometimes sickness happens for a good reason, so that God can be glorified in our life (9:3b).
VI Sixth, all believers in Jesus are called to help sick people find health (9:4).
VII Seventh, sickness is a work of the kingdom of darkness; healing is a work of the Kingdom of light (9:5).
VIII Eighth, the how of healing is very important (9:6).
IX Ninth, sickness can be overcome by divine healing, but healing does not happen without some action on our part (9:7).
X Tenth, divine healing will always arouse doubt (9:8-9).
XI Eleventh, the response to the healing of sickness is often questions (9:10-12)
A. When the neighbors of the man born blind saw that he could now see, they immediately began to ask questions.
1. First, they ask, “How then were your eyes opened?”
2. Second, they ask, “W_____________ is this man who healed you?”
a. There are ______________ things we need to see about this question:
i. First, this question was ________________.
ii. Second, this question was ____________________.
A. Jesus is n____________ to be found from verse 8 through verse 35 – that is _____________ verses.
B. This is the __________ passage of Scripture in all four Gospels in which Jesus is absent.
C. There is good reason to believe Jesus disappeared i___________________________.
D. I believe Jesus did this, not only for the man born blind, but for _____________ as well.
iii. Third, this question is ___________ being asked _________________.
A. The church has been saying a lot of w__________________ things about Jesus.
B. The people of this world have heard all the wonderful things we have said about Jesus and now they are standing before us, and they are asking, “W__________ is ___________?”
C. And sometimes it is not only people ____________ the church who are asking that question; sometimes it is people ______________ the church.
D. Jesus did not want us to __________ from that question.
E. There are _________ ways that question can be used and both these ways are present in our text:
1. There are people who ask that question because they want Jesus to _________ them.
2. There are people asking where Jesus is, not because they want healing for themselves or for a loved one, but because they want to __________ Jesus from healing anyone else.
F. There are people in this crowd who want to arouse ______________ and ___________ about Jesus.
G. And the same is true for us today:
1. Some may ask, “Where is Jesus?” because their desire is to convince people that Jesus is ________ here.
2. But then, there are others who ask, “Where is Jesus?” because even though they cannot see him now in their circumstances, they ____________ to see him.
H. Those who ask, “Where is Jesus?” because their greatest desire is to see him, will be _____________ by him.
B. Now, in closing, we need to look at the man’s ________________.
1. When the neighbors and crowd ask, verse 12, “Where is this man?” the formerly blind man answers, “I ____________ know.”
2. Because I do not know the answers to crucial life questions, does not at all mean that there are ________ answers. It only means that we do not ____________ know the answers.

Tuesday May 26, 2020
05-26-20 Kevin Goins - The Church's Ministry of Healing, John 9:10-12, part 2
Tuesday May 26, 2020
Tuesday May 26, 2020
“Anatomy of an Illness: The Church’s Ministry of Healing”
John 9:10-12 (Part 2)
I First, sickness gets our attention and it gets the attention of Jesus (9:1).
II Second, sickness makes us uncomfortable (9:2).
III Third, sickness is caused by alienation (9:2).
IV Fourth, oftentimes our best theological or commonsense explanations for sickness are not good enough (9:3a).
V Fifth, sometimes sickness happens for a good reason, so that God can be glorified in our life (9:3b).
VI Sixth, all believers in Jesus are called to help sick people find health (9:4).
VII Seventh, sickness is a work of the kingdom of darkness; healing is a work of the Kingdom of light (9:5).
VIII Eighth, the how of healing is very important (9:6).
IX Ninth, sickness can be overcome by divine healing, but healing does not happen without some action on our part (9:7).
X Tenth, divine healing will always arouse doubt (9:8-9).
XI Eleventh, the response to the healing of sickness is often questions (9:10-12)
A. When the neighbors of the man born blind saw that he could now see, they immediately began to a________ q______________.
1. First, they ask, “H______ then were your eyes opened?”
a. In general, when people use questions to express their doubt, they often ask about b_________ things.
b. In our text, however, we see that people can also use questions about g_____________ things to express doubt.
2. Why did they ask the question, “How, then, were your eyes opened?”
a. First, they wanted a r_________________ explanation for what had happened to the man.
b. Second, they were looking for a s_____________________ explanation.
i. When a supernatural power is involved, the question that must be asked is, “Is it the r__________ kind of supernatural power or is it the w___________ kind of supernatural power?
ii. Today people are not concerned about the source of supernatural power because typically our culture d______________ all supernatural power.
iii. It seems that the more people turn away from God and the Bible, the more they are driven to f________________ supernatural powers.
iv. Why do people express doubt about divine healing today? People realize that if there is a God who can and does heal, then that God must have a______________ power. If there is a God with awesome power then I would be the worst kind of f____________ to ignore him.
B. That is the first question his neighbors asked the formerly blind man, and to the neighbor’s question the man gives an a___________.
1. There are _____________ things about this man’s answer that I believe are significant:
a. First, his answer is very f________________.
i. All the formerly blind man gives are the b_________, b___________ facts.
ii. When we want to tell people how Jesus healed us, we do not need to first prove to them that God e__________, and we do not need to give them e_______________ that miracles happen.
b. Second, his answer is non-t___________________.
i. This man, at this point in time, has ________ idea who Jesus is.
ii. There may actually be more meaningful theology in just the bare facts we share than there is in our attempts to e________________ on what happened.
c. Third, his answer is __________-focused.
i. The first thing the man does is to n_________ the one who healed him.
ii. People may feel uncomfortable when we give credit to Jesus, but people need to hear that name being used to identify a ___________, rather than as an o________ or as p_____________.
2. Being ready for God’s healing power to work in our life not only requires faith, it also means being ready to be a w____________ afterward.

Friday May 22, 2020
Friday May 22, 2020
“Anatomy of an Illness: The Church’s Ministry of Healing”
John 9:10-12 (Part 1)
I First, sickness gets our attention and it gets the attention of Jesus (9:1).
II Second, sickness makes us uncomfortable (9:2).
III Third, sickness is caused by alienation (9:2).
IV Fourth, oftentimes our best theological or commonsense explanations for sickness are not good enough (9:3a).
V Fifth, sometimes sickness happens for a good reason, so that God can be glorified in our life (9:3b).
VI Sixth, all believers in Jesus are called to help sick people find health (9:4).
VII Seventh, sickness is a work of the kingdom of darkness; healing is a work of the Kingdom of light (9:5).
VIII Eighth, the how of healing is very important (9:6).
IX Ninth, sickness can be overcome by divine healing, but healing does not happen without some action on our part (9:7).
X Tenth, divine healing will always arouse doubt (9:8-9).
XI Eleventh, the response to the healing of sickness is often __________________ (9:10-12)
A. This whole episode in the ministry of Jesus began with a question in John 9:___.
1. In John 9: ____-____ there is a second question.
2. It appears that by the end of verse 9 the neighbors and the crowd realize that they cannot ___________ from the truth.
B. What do they do? They resort to _______________.
1. We put questions to people for a _______________ of reasons:
a. First, we ask people questions because we are genuinely in search of i______________________.
b. Second, we ask questions to d______________ ourselves.
c. Third, we use questions to s____________ people.
d. Fourth, we also use questions to c_____________ doubt.
2. People who do not believe in God often try to use questions, both to shame believers, and to create doubt. They have this idea that if they can ask a question which a Christian cannot answer, that somehow proves that Christianity is ________________.
3. One of the favorite tactics of people who disbelieve the Bible is to ask a Christian to explain what the non-believer thinks is a c_______________ in the Bible.
4. In Mark 2:26 Jesus explains to the Pharisees why it was not wrong for his disciples to ___________ grain to eat on the Sabbath day. Jesus says in Mark 2:25, “Have you never read what David did when he and his companions were hungry and in need? In the days of Abiathar the high priest, he entered the House of God and ate the consecrated bread which is lawful for only priests to eat.”
i. The problem here is that, according to 1 Samuel 21:1-6, when David and his men did that, it was _________ Abiathar who was priest, but Ahimelech.
ii. So, the argument goes, Jesus, or Mark, or someone, made a __________________.
iii. If, then, the Bible has e_____________, it must not be God’s Word as Christians claim it to be.
5. This argument, however, has serious weaknesses:
i. First, Jesus did not actually say that this incident happened ___________ Abiathar was high priest. He said it happened “in the ___________ of Abiathar the high priest.”
-Abiathar was ___________ at that time and very much involved in what was happening, which means it is still __________ to say that when David and his men ate the special consecrated bread, it was in the days of Abiathar.
ii. Second, when Jesus says this happened “in the days of Abiathar the high priest,” what the original Greek text ___________ says is that this happened epi Abiathar.
A. Epi Abiathar could refer to t________, meaning “in the days of Abiathar,” but it could also refer to p__________.
B. Since Abiathar is more _______-__________ in Israel’s history than Ahimelech, if you could not refer people to 1 Samuel 21:1-6, then a good way to do it would be to say, “in the p____________ about Abiathar.”
iii. Third, if Jesus had only used Ahimelech as an example of someone who was not enslaved to the law, but who put the welfare of people above the law, the Pharisees could have r________________ the argument because Ahimelech was only a priest at Nob.
C. The next time someone questions us about what they suppose is a c_______________ in the Bible, what should we do?
1. First, try to remember w______ they are asking the question. It is likely that what they really want to do is to create _____________.
2. Second, even though they are not asking to get r_________ information, remember that we can use their question as an o_________________ to give them genuine information about the passage in question.
3. Third, we can very politely ask them how much they have ____________ the text which they think is proof of a contradiction. If they admit that they have not done much study, then we can politely suggest that they may not have e______________ information to make a valid judgment.
4. Fourth, we can remind them that the biblical writers were not ________________________.

Tuesday May 19, 2020
05-19-20 Kevin Goins - Church's Ministry of Healing, John 9:8-9, part 3
Tuesday May 19, 2020
Tuesday May 19, 2020
“Anatomy of an Illness: The Church’s Ministry of Healing”
John 9:8-9 (Part 3)
I First, sickness gets our attention and it gets the attention of Jesus (9:1).
II Second, sickness makes us uncomfortable (9:2).
III Third, sickness is caused by alienation (9:2).
IV Fourth, oftentimes our best theological or commonsense explanations for sickness are not good enough (9:3a).
V Fifth, sometimes sickness happens for a good reason, so that God can be glorified in our life (9:3b).
VI Sixth, all believers in Jesus are called to help sick people find health (9:4).
VII Seventh, sickness is a work of the kingdom of darkness; healing is a work of the Kingdom of light (9:5).
VIII Eighth, the how of healing is very important (9:6).
IX Ninth, sickness can be overcome by divine healing, but healing does not happen without some action on our part (9:7).
X Tenth, divine healing will always arouse doubt (9:8-9).
A. The first thing this text teaches us is that miracles that transform people’s lives get noticed and these miracles arouse either faith or doubt.
B. The second thing this text teaches us is that when a miracle arouses doubt, Jesus can seem to be far away.
C. The third thing this text teaches us is that when a miracle occurs, some will believe.
D. The fourth thing this text teaches us is that when a miracle occurs some will ___________ believe.
1. The neighbors said, “This man who can see _____________ be the man who was blind from birth.”
2. Why did they make the statement, “It only looks like him,” without even bothering to ___________ the man ___________ he was?
3. The people who are giving the most critical assessments of the Bible today are most often the people who have the _____________ knowledge of the Bible.
4. If you want to witness creative thinking in the extreme, show someone the evidence for a miracle and watch how their mind works to e___________ it all a________.
5. What is true for c________________ is also true for m_______________, there will always be people who will not believe.
E. Lastly, this text teaches us that despite the fact that some believe and some do not, the one who experiences a miracle of healing has the opportunity to be an i_______________ w_____________ for Jesus.
1. If a miracle had not occurred, no one would have been saying that the man born blind was _______ the man born blind. They only said that because if this man who can now see was the man born blind, then they would have to a_____________ that a miracle had actually occurred.
2. The blind man was, on this occasion, the only one who could speak as an e______________.
3. This man offered proof that a miracle had taken place, and he did not have to be a s_______________ or a p_______________ or a religious expert to do that.
4. We do not have to ____________ scientifically that God does miraculous things in our world today. We do not need to ___________ that there is philosophical justification for believing that God does miracles. We do not have to q____________ Bible verses to support the fact that God does today what people would call miracles. All we have to do is to _______ our story of what Jesus did for us.
5. John says that when this man acted as a witness to the miracle-working power of Jesus, it was as if he was s________________ in the s_________ of Jesus.
6. When the “I am” saves us or heals us or delivers us in some way, we should do as the Psalmist says: We should proclaim his salvation from __________ to __________.

Friday May 15, 2020
05-15-20 Kevin Goins - The Church's Ministry of Healing, John 9:8-9 Part 2
Friday May 15, 2020
Friday May 15, 2020
“Anatomy of an Illness: The Church’s Ministry of Healing”
John 9:8-9 (Part 2)
I First, sickness gets our attention and it gets the attention of Jesus (9:1).
II Second, sickness makes us uncomfortable (9:2).
III Third, sickness is caused by alienation (9:2).
IV Fourth, oftentimes our best theological or commonsense explanations for sickness are not good enough (9:3a).
V Fifth, sometimes sickness happens for a good reason, so that God can be glorified in our life (9:3b).
VI Sixth, all believers in Jesus are called to help sick people find health (9:4).
VII Seventh, sickness is a work of the kingdom of darkness; healing is a work of the Kingdom of light (9:5).
VIII Eighth, the how of healing is very important (9:6).
IX Ninth, sickness can be overcome by divine healing, but healing does not happen without some action on our part (9:7).
X Tenth, divine healing will always arouse doubt (9:8-9).
A. The first thing this text teaches us is that miracles that transform people’s lives get noticed and these miracles arouse either faith or doubt.
B. The second thing this text teaches us is that when a miracle arouses doubt, Jesus can seem to be f____________ a_______________.
1. This seems strange to us, but, at this point in time, Jesus is n__________________ to be found.
2. This is important because if Jesus had not disappeared the chapter would have been completely d______________.
3. What we are going to see is that the once blind man becomes a r_________________, a v___________ for Jesus.
4. Jesus _________ came back to defend the formerly blind man against the accusations of the religious leaders.
5. And, what is so important about this is that this situation is often played out in o_______ o______ lives.
6. Jesus’ purpose for our life is not to makes things __________ for us, but to put us into situations that will enable us to ____________.
C. The third thing this text teaches us is that when a miracle occurs, some ________ believe.
1. It is important for us to be clear about what is taking place in verses 8 and 9: This is not a question of i________________.
2. What the crowd is really debating is this: Is it p____________ that any man born blind could suddenly have eyes that can see?
3. And, notice, this crowd, which includes the man’s neighbors, is d___________________.
4. A miracle speaks very loudly, so loudly that it will inevitably d_______________ people.
5. When I accept the possibility of miracles I am also making a claim that there must be a power greater than _______, greater than h___________ b______________.
6. My desire to be the only lord of my life, the only director of my life, also makes it necessary for me to ____________ the healing miracles of Jesus.

Saturday May 09, 2020
05-09-20 Kevin Goins - The Church's Ministry of Healing, John 9:8-9, part 1
Saturday May 09, 2020
Saturday May 09, 2020
“Anatomy of an Illness: The Church’s Ministry of Healing”
John 9:8-9 (Part 1)
I First, sickness gets our attention and it gets the attention of Jesus (9:1).
II Second, sickness makes us uncomfortable (9:2).
III Third, sickness is caused by alienation (9:2).
IV Fourth, oftentimes our best theological or commonsense explanations for sickness are not good enough (9:3a).
V Fifth, sometimes sickness happens for a good reason, so that God can be glorified in our life (9:3b).
VI Sixth, all believers in Jesus are called to help sick people find health (9:4).
VII Seventh, sickness is a work of the kingdom of darkness; healing is a work of the Kingdom of light (9:5).
VIII Eighth, the how of healing is very important (9:6).
IX Ninth, sickness can be overcome by divine healing, but healing does not happen without some action on our part (9:7).
X Tenth, divine healing will always arouse ________________.
A. Now, John takes us to the r_____________ of the miracle and we read about it in verse __________.
1. Obviously, something aroused their c______________ and there is no question as to what that was.
2. Miracles get the a_______________ of people.
B. And that brings us to our first point: Miracles that transform people’s lives get n_____________ and these miracles arouse either _________ or ___________.
1. Why is that when we come face to face with what someone claims to be a miracle of healing, we feel this need to explain it in one of two very d_______________ ways:
a. either as a g_______________ work of God
b. or, as something which was not really what it a_______________ to be.
c. Why is it that no matter how much we try to believe that it is a miracle, it is so hard for us not to e_____________ it all away?
2. People can easily refuse to see a miracle because they do not e________________ to see miracles.
a. The “perception of incongruity” will not allow us to see what is c_______________ to our worldview.
b. That happens, even to us Christians, because we have been so thoroughly i______________ by our culture.
c. On this occasion the healing of the man born blind aroused a lot of doubt, and that is a s_______________ to many people.