
Monday Oct 05, 2020
10-04-20 Kevin Goins - Recognizing The Unity of the Body of Christ
Monday Oct 05, 2020
Monday Oct 05, 2020
Recognizing the Unity of the Body of Christ
1 Corinthians 11:17-34
I (11:23) “For I received from the Lord what I also passed on to you….”
Paul uses these technical terms because he wants the Corinthians to know he did not make this up. It did not originate with him. But this account of the Lord’s Supper was passed on to him o_______________, probably by the A_________________.
II Then Paul says (11:23) “For I received from the Lord what I also passed on to you: The Lord Jesus, on the night he was betrayed, took bread ….”
That word “betrayed” speaks volumes. First, it reinforces what we said about the historical r___________________ of Paul’s account.
III There is something else about this betrayal: We cannot overlook the fact that at the very moment when Jesus was using the Lord’s Supper to explain the meaning of his death,* that was also the very moment _______________ chose to betray Jesus.
By trying to take God’s throne then, and by trying to take God’s place or rulership in our life now, we show that we are b_______________________ like Judas.
(11:23-26) “Jesus … took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, ‘This is my body which is for you; do this in remembrance of me.’ In the same way, after supper he took the cup, saying, ‘This cup is the new covenant in my blood; do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me.’ For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes.”
IV Last, it is significant that Paul says that the Lord’s Supper was established on the night Judas betrayed Jesus, because Paul has been making the point, in the verses surrounding our text, that the way the Corinthians have been celebrating the Lord’s Supper amounts to a betrayal of ___________________.
The Corinthians celebrated the Lord’s Supper in a way that d_________________ the church.
(11:20) “When you come together, it is not the Lord’s Supper you eat, for as you eat, each of you goes ahead without waiting for anybody else. One remains hungry, another gets drunk. Don’t you have homes to eat and drink in? Or do you despise the Church of God and humiliate those who have nothing? What shall I say to you? Shall I praise you for this? Certainly not!”
(11:29) “For anyone who eats and drinks without recognizing the body of the Lord eats and drinks judgment on himself.”
V I am reading a book by Robert P. Jones entitled White Too Long, and the thesis is that for too long American Christianity has been just as much about being ____________ as it has been about being ____________________.
This book has shattered some of the things I believed for many years about white evangelical Christianity. I want to share three of these:
A. First, I assumed all my life that while the church may have t___________________ slavery, it was not actually in s_______________ of slavery. Then I found out that the Southern Baptist Church, the largest group of evangelicals in the U.S., came into existence in order to defend slave _______________.
Basil Manly Sr., who convinced Southern Baptists to separate from Northern Baptists over the issue of slavery, and, who thereby created the SBC, was recognized as the leading ________________ defender of slavery.
Genesis 4:15 “Then the Lord put a mark on Cain so that no one who found him would kill him.”
B. Second, I always thought that while the church may have tolerated slavery, at least Christian masters treated their slaves with m_________ dignity and humaneness.
C. Third, I always thought that the reason most African-Americans attended their own churches was because they did not like ________ we did church.
VI Here is my final point: With all that white Christians have done over the last 250 years to arouse in African-Americans a hatred for the Christian faith,* it is nothing less than a miracle that, according to the Pew Research Center, ________% of African-Americans identify themselves as Christians today.
That is dramatic proof that people do not become Christians because of people who call themselves Christians. They become Christians because of ___________.

Monday Oct 05, 2020
09-27-20 Kevin Goins - Proverbs 4 Only Two Ways, Part 2
Monday Oct 05, 2020
Monday Oct 05, 2020
“Only Two Ways”
Proverbs 4:10-17 (Part two)
American Democracy is founded on the idea that we can make our way in life howsoever we desire. But exactly how many ways are there to go in this life? Solomon has an answer to that question in our text
I In the next four verses Solomon tells his son about four things that walking the way of wisdom will do for us.
A. First, walking the way of wisdom will prolong our life (4:10).
B. Second, walking the way of wisdom will place us on a straight path (4:11).
C. Third, walking the way of wisdom will enable us to make forward progress (4:12).
D. Fourth, walking the way of wisdom ________________ our life (4:13).
1. There are _______ things we need to see about this word “instruction.”
a. First, Solomon uses this word as another name for ___________.
b. Second, by instruction Solomon means c__________________ or what we would call d_____________.
2. Pain teaches us things we never _________________, and the lessons we learn from pain help us avoid the things that can ___________ us.
II. As Solomon gave us four a________________ to walking the way of wisdom, he now gives four d_____________________ to walking the way of foolishness.
A. First, it leads us to i___________________ foolish people (4:14).
1. The Hebrew word translated “do not set foot” refers to the __________ instant when a person comes into a place – the moment of first contact.
2. The problem with first “setting foot on a path” is that it always leads to “______________” on that path.
3. When we are impressed by someone, we begin to i_____________ him or her in some way.
B. Second, it leads to something we must a______________ a____________ (4:15).
1. Some believers have the idea that once you decide to follow Jesus, all your f_____________ decisions are made _____ you.
2. When we walk the road of foolishness we lack the strength and guidance to actively avoid lots of ___________ roads throughout our life.
C. Third, it leads to s______________________ (4:16).
-What is so wrong with the way of foolishness? It is not only a horrible lifestyle filled with guilt and sleeplessness, but it is so e________________________.
D. Fourth, it leads to i___________________________ (4:17).
1. Bread and wine is a metaphor for f__________ and so Solomon is saying that those who walk the way of foolishness actually f__________ on evil.
2. Why is evil so attractive to us? We are entertained by evil characters in books and movies because evil is _____________ to our true nature than good.

Monday Oct 05, 2020
09-16-20 Kevin Goins - Proverbs - Only Two Ways part 1
Monday Oct 05, 2020
Monday Oct 05, 2020
“Only Two Ways”
Proverbs 4:10-17 (Part one)
American Democracy is founded on the idea that we can make our way in life howsoever we desire. But exactly how many ways are there to go in this life? Solomon has an answer to that question in our text
I Solomon says wisdom is not only a person to know, but wisdom is also a _____________ to ____________.
A. The first point Solomon makes about wisdom as the way is that there is no ___________ way.
B. The Second point Solomon makes about wisdom as the way is that life is a _________________.
II In the next ___________ verses Solomon tells his son about __________ things that walking the way of wisdom will do for us.
A. First, walking the way of wisdom will _________________ your ____________ (4:10).
1. The focus of a life of wisdom is to know how to avoid the things that t____________ life and how to embrace the things that p______________ life.
2. We can’t just _________ our children how to avoid danger, we must _____________ them by the way we live our life.
B. Second, walking the way of wisdom will place us on a s_______________ path (4:11).
1. The word translated “guide” is the Hebrew verb from which we get the noun ___________, which is the ________ of ________.
2. With this word “guide,” Solomon makes it clear that he is not talking about ___________ wisdom or the kind that comes with _____________________.
The wisdom he is giving us is a wisdom that comes from ______________ _____________.
3. The Hebrew word translated “straight” is never used in the Old Testament to refer to something ________________ straight.
This word is always used to refer to m_______________ c________________________.
C. Third, walking the way of wisdom will enable us to make f_______________ p________________ (4:12).
1. His reference to walking and running is interesting for two reasons:
a. First, because it reminds us of that famous verse in __________ chapter _________.
b. Second, his reference to walking and running is also interesting because it seems to be a reference to the _______ major _____________ of life.
2. The old walk and the young run, but both can be kept from making progress by o__________________ in their way.
But wisdom can enable us to _______ and __________ the obstacles.

Monday Oct 05, 2020

Wednesday Aug 19, 2020
08-09-20 Kevin Goins - The Church's Ministry of Healing - John 9 Conclusion
Wednesday Aug 19, 2020
Wednesday Aug 19, 2020
“Anatomy of an Illness: The Church’s Ministry of Healing” (Conclusion)
John 9:30-41-23
I First, sickness gets our attention and it gets the attention of Jesus (9:1).
II Second, sickness makes us uncomfortable (9:2).
III Third, sickness is caused by alienation (9:2).
IV Fourth, oftentimes our best theological or commonsense explanations for sickness are not good enough (9:3a).
V Fifth, sometimes sickness happens for a good reason, so that God can be glorified in our life (9:3b).
VI Sixth, all believers in Jesus are called to help sick people find health (9:4).
VII Seventh, sickness is a work of the kingdom of darkness; healing is a work of the Kingdom of light (9:5).
VIII Eighth, the how of healing is very important (9:6).
IX Ninth, sickness can be overcome by divine healing, but healing does not happen without some action on our part (9:7).
X Tenth, divine healing will always arouse doubt (9:8-9).
XI Eleventh, the response to the healing of sickness is often questions (9:10-12)
XII Twelfth, healing is not only a debated topic, it is also a very divisive issue.
XIII Thirteenth, people who are healed enter into some kind of relationship with the Healer.
XIV Fourteenth, both sickness and healing take place within the context of family.
XV Fifteenth, every testimony of the healing power of Jesus is unique.
XVI Sixteenth, the healing ministry of Jesus shows that he stands at the very _____________ of life.
A. First, Jesus stands at the center of life because he can do for us what no one ever thought _________________ (9:30-33).
1. First, he shows how r______________ was their claim that they didn’t know where Jesus was from.
2. Second, he says (9:31) “We know that God doesn’t listen to __________________. He listens to the ____________ man that does his will.”
3. Third. He reminds the Pharisees that this wasn’t just any miracle. It was a miracle of the _______________ order. (9:32) “____________ has ever heard of opening the eyes of a man born blind. If this man were not from God, he could do _________________.”
B. Second, Jesus stands at the center of life because only he can call people to a t____________________ life (9:34-38).
1. Being born blind is not why the Pharisees call this man a sinner. They call him a sinner because they are reasoning b__________________.
a. First, he dared to disagree with them, the r______________ l_____________ of Israel, and only a sinful man, they believed, would do that.
b. Second, they see that he f_____________ Jesus and they see Jesus as a sinner, so anyone who follows a sinner must be a sinner.
2. We would expect Jesus to say. “Here I am; I am Jesus who healed you,” but he d________________ himself from the healing and starts to talk about the Son of Man.
3. By saying, “Who is he?” the man makes it clear he wants a personal f________ to f_________ encounter with the Son of Man.
C. Lastly, Jesus stands at the center of life because only he determines whether people _________ or whether they are ______________ (9:39-41).

Sunday Jul 26, 2020
07-26-20 Kevin Goins - Church's Ministry of Healing John 9:18-23
Sunday Jul 26, 2020
Sunday Jul 26, 2020
“Anatomy of an Illness: The Church’s Ministry of Healing”
John 9:18-23
I First, sickness gets our attention and it gets the attention of Jesus (9:1).
II Second, sickness makes us uncomfortable (9:2).
III Third, sickness is caused by alienation (9:2).
IV Fourth, oftentimes our best theological or commonsense explanations for sickness are not good enough (9:3a).
V Fifth, sometimes sickness happens for a good reason, so that God can be glorified in our life (9:3b).
VI Sixth, all believers in Jesus are called to help sick people find health (9:4).
VII Seventh, sickness is a work of the kingdom of darkness; healing is a work of the Kingdom of light (9:5).
VIII Eighth, the how of healing is very important (9:6).
IX Ninth, sickness can be overcome by divine healing, but healing does not happen without some action on our part (9:7).
X Tenth, divine healing will always arouse doubt (9:8-9).
XI Eleventh, the response to the healing of sickness is often questions (9:10-12)
XII Twelfth, healing is not only a debated topic, it is also a very divisive issue.
XIII Thirteenth, people who are healed enter into some kind of relationship with the Healer.
XIV Fourteenth, both sickness and healing take place within the context of family.
XV Fifteen, every testimony of the healing power of Jesus is __________________.
A. First, a healing testimony does not require any __________________ (9:24-25).
1. First, the Pharisees say, “Give glory to God.” This was a Jewish idiom which means, “Praise God by admitting your _______.”
2. What sin are they asking the healed man to confess? They think he ______________ by calling Jesus a “prophet” in verse 17.
3. The Pharisees were claiming to know God better than the healed man, which means he would need b____________ e_____________ to defend himself.
4. This guy knows he can’t argue with the Pharisees, so he ignores the theology he d_____________ know and he turns his attention to the facts he __________ know.
B. Second, a healing testimony should ___________ for faith in Jesus (9:26-27).
1. The healed man sees their desire to hear the story again as a sign that they want to become ____________________ of Jesus.
2. If what the Bible says about the healing ministry of Jesus is true, then anyone who knows about it should ___________ to be a disciple of Jesus.
3. What Jesus did for this man was so powerful and so merciful that this man no longer sees Jesus as only a p________________; now he sees him as L_________________.
C. Lastly, as powerful as it is, a healing testimony will not always __________ friends and ________________ people. (9:28-29).
1. Notice the attitude of the Pharisees: they are religious leaders but what we hear from them is s_________________, then a________________, and, finally, full-blown h_____________.
2. The Pharisee’s behavior disqualifies them as disciples of _____________ because Numbers 12:3 says Moses was ___________, not filled with hate.
3. And not only do they claim to be disciples of Moses, but they act as if being disciples of Moses separates them from ______________.
4. When we share our testimony, we will find that some will ___________ us, but some will be powerfully _______________ to Jesus.

Sunday Jul 12, 2020
07-12-20 Kevin Goins, Church's Ministry of Healing John 9:18-23
Sunday Jul 12, 2020
Sunday Jul 12, 2020
“Anatomy of an Illness: The Church’s Ministry of Healing”
John 9:18-23
I First, sickness gets our attention and it gets the attention of Jesus (9:1).
II Second, sickness makes us uncomfortable (9:2).
III Third, sickness is caused by alienation (9:2).
IV Fourth, oftentimes our best theological or commonsense explanations for sickness are not good enough (9:3a).
V Fifth, sometimes sickness happens for a good reason, so that God can be glorified in our life (9:3b).
VI Sixth, all believers in Jesus are called to help sick people find health (9:4).
VII Seventh, sickness is a work of the kingdom of darkness; healing is a work of the Kingdom of light (9:5).
VIII Eighth, the how of healing is very important (9:6).
IX Ninth, sickness can be overcome by divine healing, but healing does not happen without some action on our part (9:7).
X Tenth, divine healing will always arouse doubt (9:8-9).
XI Eleventh, the response to the healing of sickness is often questions (9:10-12)
XII Twelfth, healing is not only a debated topic, it is also a very divisive issue.
XIII Thirteenth, people who are healed enter into some kind of relationship with the Healer.
XIV Fourteenth, both sickness and healing take place within the context of _____________.
A. The first point we need to make is that both sickness and healing are a f______________ a__________________.
1. Before we turn to the parents, we need to see that the Pharisees only reached out to them because of their ____________________.
a. In other words, they did not believe that a _______________ had been done.
b. We should be a_________________ to people disbelieving God’s work in our life.
c. We should not be _________________ when we give Jesus glory for what he has done and some respond with unbelief.
2. Our daily experience continually reminds us h_____ m__________ sickness and disease are family matters.
a. The recent Lifeway poll revealed that ______% of our prayers are focused on family and friends.
b. To Heal a man born blind would require a s_________________ relationship with God. That is why the Pharisees first try to deny the miracle, and to do that they drag in the man’s parents hoping they will say their son was _________ born blind.
c. Both in times of sickness, and in those times when we celebrate healing, family is ______________ stage.
d. What sustains us during times of sickness, and what we celebrate when we experience healing, is r_______________________.
B. Second, families know the ______________ about our experience of sickness and healing.
1. The Pharisees have _______ goals here: the first is to __________ the miracle altogether, to show that it never happened.
2. The Pharisees perspective is also clear from the second question they ask: “You __________ your son was born blind, well then, how is it that he can now see?”
3. The Pharisees thought their l___________ and their s_____________ would force the parents to admit that it was all a s______________.
a. The reason that does not happen is because the parents were _____________ witnesses.
b. The only r_______________ source of information about this man was his parents.
4. The Pharisees, however, did not ask, “How is it he can now see?” only to prove that their son was _____ born blind. They asked that question because, even if there was a miracle, they might still be able to find a way to d__________________ Jesus.
5. If the Pharisees got more than ________ explanation for the healing, they could use that to create doubt about _____ or ________ was really responsible for the miracle.
C. Third, families with sick people know that their answer is a “____________,” not a “___________.”
1. Without a doubt, when circumstances are dire, families know the name of their loved one’s ___________________.
2. At other times, however, depending on the family, you will hear another name which is spoken in that hospital room, and that name is the name “_______________.”
3. Real hope is always based on a person who can _________ something.
D. Finally, families know there is a ____________ they will have to pay, either to deal with their loved one’s sickness, or to celebrate their loved one’s healing.
1. Sickness today represents a great _________________ burden for families.
2. We all know that when someone gets sick there is a monetary cost, but there is also a _________________ cost.
a. The Pharisees passed the buck to their son because they did not want to upset the r_________________ l______________.
b. To be kicked out of the Synagogue meant that no one would __________ you, or use your _______________, or even want to be _________ with you.
3. You and I still face that same _________________ today. We fear telling people who are not believers, “Yes, I have been diagnosed with an illness, but my ____________ is in Jesus.”

Sunday Jun 21, 2020
Looking At Jesus - song for today
Sunday Jun 21, 2020
Sunday Jun 21, 2020
Oh Lord You're beautiful
Your face is all I seek
And when Your eyes are on this child
Your grace abounds to me
So I turn my eyes upon You, Jesus
I look full in Your wonderful face
And the things of earth they grow strangely dim
In the light of Your glory and grace
Oh Lord please light the fire
That once burned bright and clear
Replace the lamp of my first love
That burns with holy fear
So I turn my eyes upon You, Jesus
I look full in Your wonderful face
And the things of earth they grow strangely dim
In the light of Your glory and grace
You are beautiful beyond description
Too marvelous for words
Too wonderful for comprehension
Like nothing ever seen or heard
Who can grasp Your infinite wisdom
Who can fathom the depth of Your love
You are beautiful beyond description
Majesty enthroned above
And I stand I stand in awe of You
I stand I stand in awe of You
Holy God to whom all praise is due
I stand in awe of You
Vocal and Piano: Jennifer Bliss-Criswell, Vocal: Megan Bliss
Oh Lord You're Beautiful Keith Green © 1980 Universal Music - Brentwood Benson Publishing
Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus Helen H. Lemmel © Public Domain
I Stand In Awe Mark Altrogge © 1987 Sovereign Grace Praise

Saturday Jun 20, 2020
06-20-20 Kevin Goins - The Church's Ministry of Healing, John 9:17
Saturday Jun 20, 2020
Saturday Jun 20, 2020
“Anatomy of an Illness: The Church’s Ministry of Healing”
John 9:17
I First, sickness gets our attention and it gets the attention of Jesus (9:1).
II Second, sickness makes us uncomfortable (9:2).
III Third, sickness is caused by alienation (9:2).
IV Fourth, oftentimes our best theological or commonsense explanations for sickness are not good enough (9:3a).
V Fifth, sometimes sickness happens for a good reason, so that God can be glorified in our life (9:3b).
VI Sixth, all believers in Jesus are called to help sick people find health (9:4).
VII Seventh, sickness is a work of the kingdom of darkness; healing is a work of the Kingdom of light (9:5).
VIII Eighth, the how of healing is very important (9:6).
IX Ninth, sickness can be overcome by divine healing, but healing does not happen without some action on our part (9:7).
X Tenth, divine healing will always arouse doubt (9:8-9).
XI Eleventh, the response to the healing of sickness is often questions (9:10-12)
XII Twelfth, healing is not only a debated topic, it is also a very divisive issue.
XIII Thirteenth, people who are healed enter into some kind of _______________________ with the Healer.
A. First, behind every case of sickness there is a real ___________________(9:17a).
1. “Finally” is not just an indicator of ___________, it is also an indicator of ex___________________ on John’s part.
a. Sickness cannot exist by itself; sickness cannot exist without __________________.
b. One of the things I have noticed during this pandemic is how easily we turn sick people into ______________________________.
c. The religious authorities treated this man as if he was just a piece of e___________________ that could be used either to c_______________ Jesus or to glorify him.
2. John next says, “Finally, they t_____________ again….”
a. There is a tendency when someone important to us gets sick, to think more about what their sickness means to ________ than what it means to ____________.
b. To see someone seriously sick means that we are forced to think of what life would be like w__________________ them.
3. Then John says, “Finally they turned again to the _________ ________.”
a. The formerly blind man is not a person with a _____________ to them; he is instead only a sickness, a disease, a thing: “the blind man.”
b. We often tend to treat people with serious illnesses as if they __________ that illness.
c. Sometimes sickness is very hard on relationships because you cannot have a relationship with an i_________________, you can only have a relationship with a p_____________.
B. Second, behind every example of healing, there is a real ________________ (9:17b).
1. Even though much of the crowd and religious leadership are hostile to Jesus, they still expect that this man should ______________ something about the one who healed him and he should be able to _________ them what he knows.
2. This is probably the first time anyone ever asked this man for his o______________ on anything … and it is a very c_________________ question.
3. This man, then, is on the __________________.
4. There was someone behind this unprecedented miracle: there was a ____________________. But some very influential people were very much opposed to recognizing Jesus as _______________.
5. We also find ____________________ in the same situation today: No one is in a better position to talk about the Savior than the ones who claim to have been _____________ by him!
C. Finally, behind every healing there is a person who must decide the ___________ of the one who healed him (9:17c).
1. The Pharisees asked this man for his opinion of who Jesus was…. In response he says, “He is a ___________________.”
2. There are ______________ things to point out about the man’s answer:
a. First, his understanding of Jesus is ________________.
b. Second, his understanding of Jesus is c___________________.
c. Third, his understanding of Jesus is still i____________________.

Tuesday Jun 16, 2020
Tuesday Jun 16, 2020
“Anatomy of an Illness: The Church’s Ministry of Healing”
John 9:13-16 (Conclusion)
I First, sickness gets our attention and it gets the attention of Jesus (9:1).
II Second, sickness makes us uncomfortable (9:2).
III Third, sickness is caused by alienation (9:2).
IV Fourth, oftentimes our best theological or commonsense explanations for sickness are not good enough (9:3a).
V Fifth, sometimes sickness happens for a good reason, so that God can be glorified in our life (9:3b).
VI Sixth, all believers in Jesus are called to help sick people find health (9:4).
VII Seventh, sickness is a work of the kingdom of darkness; healing is a work of the Kingdom of light (9:5).
VIII Eighth, the how of healing is very important (9:6).
IX Ninth, sickness can be overcome by divine healing, but healing does not happen without some action on our part (9:7).
X Tenth, divine healing will always arouse doubt (9:8-9).
XI Eleventh, the response to the healing of sickness is often questions (9:10-12)
XII Twelfth, healing is not only a debated topic, it is also a very divisive issue.
A. Four truths stand out in these four verses:
1. First, people are often divided over what kind of authority to consult when a miracle has occurred.
2. Second, in the presence of a miracle people will often create division by looking for some reason to call a miracle of healing into question.
3. Third, in the presence of a miracle, people often create division by focusing on the “how” question rather than the “who” question.
4. Fourth, in the presence of a miracle, people will often divide themselves over how they feel about _______________.
a. How did the Pharisees and the crowd respond to the miraculous healing of the man born blind?
i. First, they tried to d__________ the healing.
ii. Second, they turned their attention to the __________.
iii. Finally, they directed their focus to the ____________.
b. We need to point out several things about their judgment:
i. First, their judgment ignores the c_______________ of the miracle.
ii. Second, their judgement is focused on the character of the o______ w________ performed the miracle.
iii. Third, their judgment is not u____________________.
c. Why is there always division when it comes to Jesus?
i. It happens because Jesus himself p________________ division.
ii. What we see here is that Jesus not only caused division by the __________ he _________, he also caused division by the __________ he _________.
iii. One group of Pharisees thought the most important thing about the miracle was that __________ had accomplished it.
iv. For the other group, however, the most important thing was that Jesus did this miracle on the Sabbath day and that, they believed, was a v____________ of the ten commandments.
d. That raises an important question: _______ did Jesus carry out this miracle on the Sabbath.
i. I believe there were _______ reasons why Jesus did not wait:
A. First there was a p______________ reason: It is quite likely that if Jesus had not healed this man on this particular day, he may ____________ have had another opportunity.
B. Second, there was a t______________ reason: Jesus saw two things:
1. He saw how the faith of the Jewish people had become more of a __________ ___________ than a relationship with God.
2. And, he saw that the Pharisees had very little compassion for those who did not live up to their concept of h________________.
ii. It is also very obvious that the Pharisees express no _________ or ____________________ when they first hear of this man and how he was healed.
iii. Jesus saw the Pharisees attempts to protect the Sabbath observance as evidence of the fact that they loved the ___________ far more than they loved ____________.
iv. They thought humans should obey the law for the sake of the law, instead of realizing that God gave the Sabbath law to p________________ people from working themselves to _____________.
e. We should not, however, overlook how r________________ this is to our own day.
i. Do we ever say about people: “Because she does not understand the political issues the way I understand them, she _________________ be from God?”
ii. A person may be ______________ about their interpretation of the Bible on some issue, … because we are not ________.
iii. But even if someone’s understanding of God’s Word is not in total agreement with ours, that does not mean they are o_________________ to God.
iv. Some were judging on the basis of their p______________, and some were judging on the basis of the f___________, and so there was division.
f. Some people cannot believe in miracles because they will not believe in a Savior who would ___________ them enough to do a miracle for them.
g. Here is a question we really need to ask ourselves: Can we accept the healing ministry of Jesus as an act of God’s grace and love which is meant for _________?