
Thursday Feb 16, 2023
02-12-23 Reggie Screen - Holy Spirit: An Ever Present Help In Time of Trouble
Thursday Feb 16, 2023
Thursday Feb 16, 2023

Thursday Feb 16, 2023
02-05-23 Abel Irvin - Prayer As An Expression of Hope
Thursday Feb 16, 2023
Thursday Feb 16, 2023
Prayer as an Expression of Hope- Matthew 6:13
For the last 36 days we have been using the Lord’s Prayer in Matthew 6 to guide our own prayers during the week. We have talked about prayer as worship, prayer as Kingdom partnership, prayer as petition, prayer as confession, and prayer as spiritual warfare.
In English, we often use the word “hope” to express a desire that we ______ to see come to pass but aren’t sure that it will. When we use the word “hope” here and talk about prayer as an expression of hope, what we mean is that prayer is an expression of our _______ in God.
1. We trust in God’s ____________.
• Our world is filled with examples of ________ and of ________.
• ___________ was very familiar with hardship in his life.
• Psalm 23, Psalm 27:13-14, Psalm 69:13-18, Matthew 7:9-11, Galatians 5:2-23
• Prayer is an expression of hope because it is a reminder that even when our lives feel like they are spiraling _____ ____ __________, we can hold on to the knowledge that God is good.
• God is good _____ _____ ______, not just when it is easy to feel that he is good.
2. We trust in God’s ________.
• It can take a lot of faith at time to trust that ______ will win out over ______ in the end.
• We often do not understand how God’s plan fits into the ______________ that we see around us. We forget that the most important thing for us is not necessarily to _______________, but to ________.
• When you are feeling discouraged or depressed about things happening in your life or in the world around us, you have my full permission to pick up your Bible and ______ to the ______.
• Revelation 21:1-4, 22-27, 22:1-5
• The things happening to us now are _____________, but his kingdom is _________.
3. We trust in Jesus’ ______ ____ _____ ________.
• The first two words of the Lord’s Prayer demonstrates the _____________ that believers have with God. He is our Father.
• Although God loves every human who has been born, he cannot have a relationship with us due to our _______.
• Romans 3:21-26
• When you read these verses, it makes it clear that there are not ______ ways to have a relationship with God, but only ______.
• Jesus paid the _______ for our sins so that we could have a restored relationship with God.

Thursday Feb 16, 2023
01-08-2023 Dr. Mick Noel - Alliance South District Superintendent
Thursday Feb 16, 2023
Thursday Feb 16, 2023

Thursday Feb 16, 2023

Thursday Feb 16, 2023

Tuesday Oct 18, 2022
10-03-2021 - Kevin Goins - The God Who Sees Proverbs 5
Tuesday Oct 18, 2022
Tuesday Oct 18, 2022
“The God Who Sees”
Proverbs 5:21-23
For most of Proverbs 5 Solomon has laid out all the natural consequences of fulfilling our sexual desires in the wrong way. With verses 21-23, however, he brings God into the picture. His point is that when we give into sexual temptation, it is not only the physical, emotional, and relational dimension of our life which will suffer. So also, our relationship with God will suffer. Why should we honor God with our sex life and with our thought life? We find the answer to this question in our text today.
I Many times in the Bible the marriage relationship is used to illustrate our relationship with _______________.
A. Why?
1. The marriage relationship and our relationship with God are the most intensely p__________________ relationships we can have.
2. Our relationship with God and our relationship with our spouse are the only mutually e____________________ relationships that human beings can have.
B. God’s concern is not blind; God sees, not only our actions, but even the t_________________ which lie behind our actions.
II Why should we be concerned, not only about our actions, but about our thoughts and everything that makes up our p______________ life? Why? Solomon gives us three reasons:
A. First, we should honor God with our sex life, and with our thought life, because all of our life is lived in f_________ v___________ of the Lord (5:21).
1. The best reason for saying No to sexual temptation is because God’s e________ are always on us and he sees all we think and do.
2. If this life is all there is, then our sex does not have to be m_______________, it only needs to be s_____________________.
3. When Solomon says, “He examines all [our] paths,” the Hebrew word which is translated “paths” actually means w_______________ t________________ - which is another way of saying that God sees all our h_____________________, both the good and the bad.
4. Knowing that God sees us should not only motivate us to avoid w____________, but it should also motivate us to do r______________.
5. There is an inverse relationship between faith and sexual temptation: faith can motivate us to say __________ to sexual temptation, or the desire to say _________ to sexual temptation can motivate us to say No to faith.
B. Second, we should honor God with our sex life, and with our thought life, because repeated disobedience locks us in a p____________________ from which it is very hard to e__________________ (5:22).
1. One of the greatest ironies of life is that we see sin as the means by which we can gain f___________________________.
2. When we look to anything or anyone other than God to make us free, we turn that thing into an ____________________.
3. When we give our w____________________ to things that are not God, it drives us away from God, and since God is the only source of freedom, this idolatry enslaves us even ________________.
C. Third, we should honor God with our sex life, and with our thought life, because lack of discipline is d__________________________ (5:23).
1. Old Testament scholar Bruce Waltke says discipline includes two things:
a. First, discipline requires t_________________________.
b. The second part of discipline is the difficult work of l______________ in the way we have been taught to live.
2. When we listen to the truth of God’s Word, and we live it as we were taught, we experience spiritual w___________________________.
-But when we know the truth, and we do not live in harmony with that truth, then we experience spiritual b______________________________.

Tuesday May 10, 2022
09-26-21 - Kevin Goins - 5 Surprises in the way God views sex, Part 2
Tuesday May 10, 2022
Tuesday May 10, 2022

Tuesday May 10, 2022
09-19-21 - Kevin Goins - 5 Surprised in the way God views sex Part 1
Tuesday May 10, 2022
Tuesday May 10, 2022

Tuesday May 10, 2022

Tuesday May 10, 2022